Balade en barque Marais poitevindecouverte-destination-marais-poitevin.mp4

Poitevin marsh

National Park of France

Thousands of hectares of land created by men during the Middle Age.

The Poitevin Marsh has two different sides, one dry with meadows, another wet with a lot of canals. But what can we do in that swamp? Take a boat through the canal, ride a bike to discover the land, go on a walk, visit the various museums. A lot of options are available to explore this natural area, you just need to choose one!

Balade en barque Marais poitevin
©Alexandre Lamoureux pour Vendée Expansion
Poitevin marsh

Boat ride

Poitevin marsh

Hiking and biking trails

Historical sites to visit in the marshes


If you wish to know more about the history of the swamp, how it was made, how it works, its custom and its wildlife, you might want to check the Dike supervisor’s house in Chaillé-les-Marais or the house of the Poitevin marsh in Coulon…

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