Vouvant Village de Peintres
©Vouvant Village de Peintres

A painter's village

Let’s go for a stroll in the numerous shops, art studios and galleries of Vouvant. Several artists and artisans open their doors of their studios to the public. Don’t miss all the art exhibitions, animations or events that punctuate the cultural season of Vouvant.

an inspiring medieval city


Vouvant is the only fortified city of Vendée with its ramparts surrounded by the river Mère. This “Petit Cité de Caractère” has everything to please with its narrow streets lined by schist houses, its renown church considered to be a jewel of the poitevin Romanesque architecture and its Melusine Tower which overlooks the village. All of this enchanting setting attracts and inspire the many artists who visit the village.

For the last couple of years, many artists stayed in Vouvant and opened their art studios to the public. The association “Vouvant village de peintres” was born in 2005 to promote contemporary art and galvanize the cultural life.

From the beginning of the warmer days until fall, the painters, and artists of Vouvant welcome visitors to discover their crafts.

Those shops between art studios and galleries participate to the attractiveness of Vouvant, labelled as one of the most beautiful villages in France.

A cultural season full of events


The association “Vouvant village de peintre” organizes different exhibitions of painting, sculpture, and sometimes conference link to the theme of the exhibit. The events happened from April to October, inside the Théodelin nave or the Lusignan exhibition space.


The exhibitions of the Lusignan space


At the heart of the village, the Lusignan exhibition space has three opened ephemeral studios which welcome the chosen artists and artisans of the season. During one week, they can expose their creations and lead activities on painting.

The tour of

The artist's studios

It begins at the tourist office near the Melusine Tower and will take through more than 10 art studios and exhibition areas. You will be able to admire paintings, sculptures, and ceramics but also art craftsmanship with leather, textile, and jewellery.

Don’t miss the Duc d’Aquitaine art studio and gallery which opens all year long. This place is a mix between a painting exhibition space and a craftsmanship of jewellery. The music is also highlighted with a piano in free access.

Mélusin’Art exhibition in the Théodelin nave

Each year, “Vouvant, village de peintres” organizes a regional contest of painting and sculpture : The Mélusin’Art exhibition.

The work of more than 20 artists is selected by a committee of specialists to be exposed in the nave, situated inside the Romanesque church.

April and May 2024

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